Cantor e compositor brasileiro, reconhecido mundialmente como um dos mais influentes e talentosos cantores e compositores da Música Popular Brasileira.[1] Mineiro de coração, tornou-se conhecido nacionalmente, quando a canção "Travessia", composta por ele e Fernando Brant, ocupou a segunda posição no Festival Internacional da Canção, de 1967. Tem como parceiros e músicos que regravaram suas canções, nomes como: Wayne Shorter, Pat Metheny, Peter Gabriel, Gal Costa, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil e Elis Regina. Em 1998, ganhou o Grammy de Best World Music Album in 1997. Foi nomeado novamente para o Grammy em 1991 e 1995.
Milton já se apresentou na América do Sul, América do Norte, Europa, Ásia e África. Também conhecido pelo apelido de Bituca, nasceu no Rio de Janeiro,
filho de Maria Nascimento, uma empregada doméstica muito humilde, que
foi mãe solteira. Tentou criar Milton, o registrou e o levou para a casa
dos patrões, mas foi demitida e viu que não poderia criá-lo tamanha
miséria a qual vivia. Sofrendo muito, entregou o filho para um casal
rico criar. Milton, então, foi adotado. Sua mãe adotiva, Líliam Silva Campos, era professora de música. O pai adotivo, Josino Campos, era dono de uma estação de rádio. Mudou-se para Três Pontas, em Minas Gerais, antes dos dois anos e aos treze anos já cantava em festas e bailes da cidade.
Brazilian singer and composer, recognized worldwide as one of the most influential and talented singer-songwriters of Brazilian popular music. [1] Miner heart, became nationally known when the song "Crossing", composed by him and Fernando Brant, held second in the International Song Festival in 1967. Its partners and musicians who re-recorded his songs names like Wayne Shorter, Pat Metheny, Peter Gabriel, Gal Costa, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil and Elis Regina. In 1998, he won the Grammy for Best World Music Album in 1997. He was nominated again for a Grammy in 1991 and 1995.
Milton has performed in South America, North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Also known by the nickname Bituca, born in Rio de Janeiro, the son of Maria Nascimento, a very humble maid, who was a single mother. Milton tried to create the recorded and brought to the house of the bosses, but was fired and saw that he could not raise him such misery which he lived. Much suffering, gave the child to create a wealthy couple. Milton, then, was adopted. His adoptive mother, Liliam Silva Campos, was a music teacher. The adoptive father, Josino Fields, owned a radio station. He moved to Three Points, in Minas Gerais, before two years and at age thirteen was singing at parties and dances city.
Brazilian singer and composer, recognized worldwide as one of the most influential and talented singer-songwriters of Brazilian popular music. [1] Miner heart, became nationally known when the song "Crossing", composed by him and Fernando Brant, held second in the International Song Festival in 1967. Its partners and musicians who re-recorded his songs names like Wayne Shorter, Pat Metheny, Peter Gabriel, Gal Costa, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil and Elis Regina. In 1998, he won the Grammy for Best World Music Album in 1997. He was nominated again for a Grammy in 1991 and 1995.
Milton has performed in South America, North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Also known by the nickname Bituca, born in Rio de Janeiro, the son of Maria Nascimento, a very humble maid, who was a single mother. Milton tried to create the recorded and brought to the house of the bosses, but was fired and saw that he could not raise him such misery which he lived. Much suffering, gave the child to create a wealthy couple. Milton, then, was adopted. His adoptive mother, Liliam Silva Campos, was a music teacher. The adoptive father, Josino Fields, owned a radio station. He moved to Three Points, in Minas Gerais, before two years and at age thirteen was singing at parties and dances city.
Rsrsrs..ficou ótima a expressão do nosso cantor brasileiro, através de seus traços. Muito bom!
ResponderExcluirRSRSRS tambem gostei muito mesmo desse trabalho meu caro amigo Ederson !!
ExcluirMilton é um gênio, tb acho que ficou ótimo , amigo. Parabéns pela arte!!!
Obrigado paty!!
Excluirmuito bonito wal, parabéns!!
ResponderExcluirCaro amigo e mestre Jonas prazer telo aqui, obrigado jonas !!
ExcluirGrande Waldison, sempre com ótimas caricas! Parabéns.
ResponderExcluirO mineiro Milton Nascimento ficou show no seu traço.
Abçs e paz.
Muito obrigado mesmo grande amigo Milton !!